To order by mail,
please send your
check and details to:

United with Israel
8/19 Nachal Maor St.
Box 71530
Bet Shemesh 99623

Passover Packages for IDF are not US tax deductible.
Passover Campaign for Israeli Soldiers
Send Passover Food Packages to Israeli Soldiers

Connect with the heroes of Israel who defend our freedom every day! Many soldiers spend the Passover holiday with needy families back home. Join us in sending Passover packages and holiday greetings to IDF soldiers and their families. As a Passover Partner, you can receive a personalized Passover Freedom Certificate and a fabulous IDF Passover Haggadah from Israel. You can also receive Jerusalem-baked Matzoh shipped directly to your home. Passover gift packages for IDF soldiers are not US tax deductible.

Certificate IDF Passover Hagadah

Passover Package Options
Basic Package
Enhance the Passover experience for soldiers and their families by sending matzoh and haggadot (seder recital books). Our soldiers are on the front lines fighting for the freedom to live as Jews in Israel. You will receive a Passover Freedom Certificate as a token of appreciation.

Premium Package
Express your support for our freedom-fighting soldiers by sending Passover matzoh, wine and haggadot (seder recital books). This will bring holiday joy to the soldiers
and their families. You will get a personalized Passover Freedom Certificate as a token of appreciation.

Platinum Package
Help make our soldiers' Passover experience even more meaningful by sending beautiful Passover packages filled with matzoh, wine, candy and loads of Passover food essentials. As a Platinum Partner, you will receive a personalized Platinum Passover Freedom Certificate and a very special IDF Passover Haggadah.

Enter Your Own Amount
All Passover packages are greatly appreciated by the soldiers and their families. Enter any amount that you would like to give towards these special gifts. For gifts of $100 or more you will receive an IDF Passover Haggadah. For gifts of $500 or more, we will send Jerusalem-baked Matzoh directly to your home! Thank you for becoming a Passover Partner with IDF Soldiers!
$ Seder with soldiers
You can receive Matzoh from Israel at your home!
As an expression of thanks, Passover Partners who order packages totaling $500 or more, can receive Passover Matzoh baked in Jerusalem directly at their home.

Write Your Personal Message to the Soldiers
Messages will be delivered to the soldiers along with their Passover gifts

Payment Methods
By Credit Card
After donating with PayPal,
wait until process completes
and returns to this screen

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